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Key or Combination Effect
Alt or F10 If you press and release either of these keys without any Other keys, it activates an application's menu bar. You Can then choose a command from the menu system With the keyboard. Press the underlined letter in the Menu name, and then press the underlined letter in the Desired command. (you can use the right and left arrow Keys to navigate through the menus, then press Enter)
Alt + letter Activates the menu on an application's menu bar that Has an underlined letter corresponding to the letter you Pressed. Works the same way if you press and release Alt, and then press the underlined letter.
Alt + Down Arrow Displays the contents of a drop-down list. This Combination is a toggle.
End Moves to the end of a line (in a word processor)
Ctrl + End Moves to the end of a document (word processor)
Enter Selects a choice that is highlighted on a menu or in A dialog box.
Alt + Enter Switches a DOS application that is running full-screen To running in a window (and back). This doesn't work To toggle a Windows application from a maximized to A restored window and back. If you have highlighted an Icon, pressing Alt + Enter is the same as right-clicking And then clicking Properties.
Esc Closes a dialog box or drop-down menu without taking Any action.
Alt + Esc Each time you press this combination, you switch (in a Round-robin fashion) to another application running Under Windows.
Ctrl + Esc Displays the Start menu and the Taskbar. The Taskbar Buttons are covered up by the Start menu if the Taskbar Is docked on the right or left edge of your Desktop.
Ctrl + Esc, Esc, Tab After you've pressed these keys, you can use the arrow To navigate between Taskbar buttons, or you can use The Tab key to navigate between the Start button, the Taskbar, and the Desktop.
Tab or F6 Switches the focus between the Start button, the Taskbar, and the Desktop. Focus must first be on one Of these items before pressing the key. If the Taskbar Is set to Auto hide mode, pressing either key brings up The Taskbar.
Alt + F4 Closes the current application. If the current application Is the Taskbar, this also exits Windows after you give Confirmation.
Ctrl + F4 Closes a child window in multidocument Windows Applications (File Manager, Word for Windows, etc.)
Home Moves to the beginning of a line ( in a word processor).
Ctrl + Home Moves to the beginning of a document (in a word Processor).
Print Screen Copies the entire Windows display to the Clipboard. You Can then paste the image into MS Paint or another Graphics application and print it if you like.
Alt + Print Screen Copies only the currently active window to the Clipboard. This could be the current application or a dialog box. This may not work on 84-key keyboards and computers With old BIOS chips. If it doesn't, try Shift + Print Screen.
Spacebar Marks or clears a check box.
Alt + Spacebar Pulls down the system control menu, the icon in the Upper-left corner of an application window that controls That application's size and position, among other things.
Tab Moves the selection box to the next choice in a dialog Box
Shift + Tab Moves the selection box in reverse order.
Alt + Tab switches to the application that was the previous Application. Switches back when pressed again.
Alt + Shift + Tab Switches between applications in the opposite direction As Alt + Tab.
Alt + Tab + Tab Switches to every application currently running under Windows. Hold down Alt and press Tab repeatedly until The icon of the application you want to switch to is Highlighted. Then release the Alt key.
Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + F6 Jumps to the next child window in a multidocument Application such as File Manager. (use Ctrl + F6 in Word for Windows.
Ctrl + X Cuts highlighted item. Places item in the Clipboard.
Ctrl + C Copies highlighted item to Clipboard.
Ctrl + V Pastes a copied or cut item.
Ctrl + Z Undoes a previous action.

The following keyboard shortcuts work with the Microsoft Natural Keyboard. The Win key is the key with the Windows flag.

Win Displays the Start menu.
Win + E Starts the Explorer.
Win + F Opens the Find Files dialog box, similar to F3.
Ctrl + Win + F Opens the Find Computer dialog box.
Win + M Minimize all windows.
Shift + Win + M Undo Minimize all.
Win + R Opens the Run dialog box.
Win + Tab Switches between Taskbar buttons.
Win + Break Opens the System Properties dialog box.

The following keyboard shortcuts let you modify how Windows 95 starts up. You press them before the Windows 95 graphic appears on your screen, while the Starting Windows 95 message is displayed.

F4 Start the previous operating system. Boot MS-DOS. If Windows 95 has been installed in its own directory on The computer that has the MS-DOS 6.x or previous DOS operating system then this key will start DOS Instead of Windows. This also works for OS2 and Windows NT.
F5 Safe mode startup of Windows 95. This allows Windows 95 to start with its most basic configuration, bypassing your Autoexec.bat and Config.sys files, using the VGA driver of video, and not loading networking software. Use this if you are having problems with Windows 95.
Shift + F5 Command line start. Boots into real-mode version of DOS 7.0 MS-DOS, Commmand.com and Dblspace Are loaded low, taking up valuable conventional Memory. Bypasses Config.sys and Autoexec.bat.
Ctrl + F5 Command line start without compressed drives. The Dblspace.bin and Drvspace.bin files are ignored, and The drives are not mounted.
F6 Safe mode startup (like F5) but with the addition of the Network.
F8 Presents a menu choice before startup.
Shift + F8 Interactive start that goes through Config.sys and Autoexec.bat one line at a time and lets you decide If you want each line read and acted upon. Also goes Through each command that Io.sys initiates before it Carries out the commands in Config.sys.

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